The ideal centrepiece for any dry or arid landscape
The Dragon’s Blood Tree is an attractive evergreen option for your home. During early stages, the trunk of the dragon tree looks similar to others of the Dracaena species. Its leaves are spiky, like those of a yucca. The trunk thickens as it ages, as do the branches that develop at the top. Each of these branches will then develop its own head of blue-green leaves.
This succulent grows slowly. It will remain as a single trunk for its first 10–15 years. After that, it stops vertical growth and instead produces its first spike of white flowers. After flowering, a “crown” of growth buds will appear around the base of the spike, and new branches will appear. Each new branch will repeat this process every 10 years.
In the wild, the dragon tree takes 10 years reach a height of just 1m. With improved cultivation conditions, this rate can increase.
Common Names – Dragon Tree, Dragon’s Blood Tree, The Canary Island Dragon Tree
Height – can grow to 10-12 meters in height.
Foliage: blue-green blades that grow long and spiky.
Climate: sub-tropical, dislikes wet tropics and does not tolerate frost.
Soil: coarse soil with good drainage.
Position: total sun.
Flowering: irregular, fragrant white flowers.
Feeding: sparingly apply a slow-release fertiliser.
Watering: rainfall is usually enough. Water potted plants a few times a week.
Species information
Species: Draco
Genus: Dracaena (From Greek “Drakaina” meaning female dragon)
Family: Asparagaceae
Order: Asparagales
Sub Family: Nolinoideae
Kingdom: Plantae
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